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Birthday Cat blog

There’s more than a little mirth at the brewery at the moment .

Seamus O’Hara, CEO of Carlow Brewing Company had this to say today  – ”We’re happy to support the Sky Cat Laughs as this years named beer sponsor during a special year for both the Sky Cat Laughs and Carlow Brewing Company. Continuing on a history of supporting comedy in Ireland and we look forward to hosting events during this year’s festivities at our award-winning bar, Brewery Corner on Kilkenny’s Parliament Street”

In 1995 Richard Cook and Lynn Cahill formed their response to the burgeoning wealth of Irish comic talent with no clear national outlet for expression and the inaugural Cat Laughs Comedy Festival was held in the Medieval City of Kilkenny. With the immediate support of the people of the city and a very clear vision for the future the festival has grown to the point where it’s a fixture in the calendar of too many national and international comedy acts.

At the same time Seamus O’Hara and the O’Hara family, along with a few other beer-loving entrepreneurs, stepped onto the scene, ready to put Ireland on the map. At Carlow Brewing Company the focus has always been on the ancient craft of brewing, situated as they are in the Barrow Valley with its centuries old tradition of brewing Irish craft beers they are proud to have been at the forefront of the revival of traditional Irish craft brewing for almost 20 years. While Ireland’s prestigious reputation for producing quality beers dwindled over time, a craft brewing revival began in Britain and America in the 1980’s when these two countries gained great diversity in brewing and Ireland looked to follow suit.   Carlow Brewing Company began a journey and Ireland’s microbreweries were born again. The wheels were in motion for the slow but highly successful craft beer renaissance. As one of the originators and innovators of the craft brewing revival in Ireland Carlow Brewing Company and the O’Hara family have managed to take this heritage and bring our brewery the point where they now brew a range multi-award winning Irish craft beers.

As the first Irish craft beer sponsor of the Sky Cat Laughs Comedy festival Carlow Brewing Company will serve a range of craft brewed beers, ales and stouts at our exclusive bar at the Sky Cat Laughs birthday party at Cilín Hill in Kilkenny on Thursday 29th May.